Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Natural Senses Relief Sculpture


Primary Touch
styrofoam, wood, glue, paint

This sculpture visually communicates the sense and the primary colors.  With that being said you need the primary colors to go about the world and to see the possibility of colors that exist, by using the primary colors is how we go about.  You can visually see and touch the primary colors, as the styrofoam has texture to it. 

Valerie Buess 

Pia Manniko 

Silvia Rubalcaba 



The Mat
fabric, glue, sponge 

The sculpture explores a personal memory that I experienced when In gymnastics. In my memory I had a green and black leotard, and competed for around 8 years. The green and the black was to form the outfit that I had to wear, along with the sponge being the mats that were used in gymnastics.


Nina E. Allander - for the women who suffered 

Martin Azua - Idream

Louise Boureois - curved house 

On Longing Section

"The body is the primary mode of perceiving scale"
I chose this photo because in cheer this body position is called a scale that flyers use in the air. Like we can use our bodies to create different scales to be visually creative.

"The place of origin must remain unavailable in order for desire to be generated"
Choosing this photo for this quote was because you can't find this sculpture anywhere else but its original spot for others to comprehend their own perspective and creates their own desire. 

"The souvenir speaks to a context of origin through a language of longing for it is not an object arising out of need or use value"
This photo is a souvenir from Costa Rica. I got it from the original place, from it's original culture and their language they speak using art to express their own way of living making a valuable item. 

"The souvenir reduces the public the monumental and three dimensional into the miniature that which can be enveloped by the body"
This picture is me drinking coffee. My body is acting like an envelope for the coffee. I am able to hold this coffee in a three dimensional cup that is smaller as if it was miniature for my hands to hold. Coffee is a world wide usage to change their mood in the morning. Many people go to public places to enjoy their coffee while working. 

"To have a souvenir of the exotic is to possess both a specimen and a trophy" 
This is a trophy I won in high school with my cheer team. It was an exotic year for us due to Covid-19. This trophy acts like a souvenir from the competition to show others. 

Experimental Sculpture Design


Entangled Triangles
cardboard, masking tape, thread 

In the Center

wood, string, hot glue 

The Floater

wood, wire, tracing paper, gel medium

Within these sculptures "Entangled Triangles, In the Center, & the floater".  The sculptures were made to show that there are other focal points within the art piece. One has a lot more negative space than the other. I wanted to focus on taking a different art style than my usual feelings on the art projects that I have done in the past. I decided to add different shapes that are unusual and unoriginal to the usual eye. These pieces allowed me to explore my creative and abstract side. 


Terry Kreiter - balsa wood

Robert Rauschenberg

Berlinde De Bruyckere

Visual Symbols


Broken Promises

Clay, ink

Collector of Hearts

Clay, ink

The sculptures entitled 'broken promises" & "collecting hearts".  Was inspired by my depression, my intent was to visually communicate how many times my heart has been broken.  I wanted to focus on the hearts and to let them visually represent what I have gone through.  I wanted to include what had seemed to be like people but very faintly to show a person that could have been someone to break my heart.  This piece explored my depression and I showed it within an art piece.


Cardboard Blender


Cardboard, masking tape, duct Tape 


Mark O'Brien - NOISE artofprotest show

Monami Ohno - Car

holhez21 - boxes

Natural Senses Relief Sculpture

  Primary Touch styrofoam, wood, glue, paint This sculpture visually communicates the sense and the primary colors.  With that being said yo...